[Anonymous (]
alert('I am Fat');
[Anonymous (]
HAHAHA! dude, you're my hero! fuck all those shit-talkers down there... they're just jealous! rock the fuck on!
that is so badass dude....
hey, i think you're amazing. notice how all those people who talked trash about you didnt leave their sd name? thats cause they're COWARDS. btw i love you.
haha that shit's funny
fucking a... that is massive and sick... maybe someone should takea crap on that thing...
you know y all of those ppl didnt put their names? they are CRAVEN!to all of you,youare dumb fuck craven people who i think can also be called"Pusillanimous
you can actually see the disgust on that one guy's face... awesome. congratulations.
I've realized something. To the people that had balls to identify yourselves for the rude remarkes bravo*claps*. But to the anonymous pussies that wanna talk shit fink hide under a blanket of anonymity. Suffice to say, real quick :hackers, god bless them. Stealing money from conglomerate bussinesses since the birth of the internet. Those kai2death comments are hilarious LMAO funny and oh so true
Ehh....I could never do that. But I don't see why everybodies freaking out, it's not their fucking choice. If you want to do something, more power to you. I'm actually kinda amazed, I didn't know they could make those, or that anyone could eat that, you have shown me differently. Very awsome.
wow i actually think that that is INCREDIBLE!!! you know what...if i did eat meat, i would probably been able to eat that whole thing too. then we could have had a huge burger eating partayyy together!! or maybe i could have veggie burgers...yes thats right. you rule. this is the most exciting entry EVER, i dont care what anyone else say...(dont listen to them either) most people on this are effing LAAAAME!!!
much love and er...
be well?
I am sorry to anyone who saw the redirected site. The person who did that will be dealt with to the maximum extent of the law. Please enjoy these pictures.
im 6'4 250lbs.
kick ass ... lol

how long did it take you to eat all that?
Dear glutton,

I hope this message finds you dead in a dumpster, preferably one behind in and out burger. I have witnessed some disgusting displays on the internet but you take the fucking cake....or cow in this matter(I wouldn't doubt if you had cake later though). Your parents must be proud that your fathers semen was wasted on such a tremendous fatbodied waste of oxygen. God hates you... as do I.
most disgusting thing i've ever seen. thanks for permenently ruining my appetite and making me a hardcore vegan.
Hot or not? Are you fucking seriously .Who gave you a 6 what's that I.Q. points? Man whoever gave you 6. something obviously didn't see the fucking pictures. All I can really say "where is the bacon?"*points to jwagman* villagers chase him for eating their babies LOL
Jeeeesus fucking Christ! Gluttony is a Sin last I checked. Man I swear if a cow had triplets they all died for your fatass. Oh and I'm fat make no mistake but I don't make a spectacle out of myself in public. Like a fucking tourist attraction from Ripley's Believe it or not. I'm sure a lot of Ethyopian children would wat to get Hannibal Lecter on your ass. I think to myself that 1.He's with noone 2. He's prolly done this before More later comment
*breaks into song* "did u ever know that your my hero?...your everything i would like to be..."

sick but hilarious.

I admire you! I wish I could eat a gigantic burger... And the mean people they are just jeleous...
thanks man...unfortunately, my diary will never equal yours!
This message if for the Anon. Poster. I know who you are. You know who I am. What you are doing is uncalled for. If you wish to go on with it, just be warned. This is not a threat. I will have no regrets for my actions and I do have nothing to lose, you keep that in mind.
who ever called you a fat fuck was wrong. they are probly just pissed that s/he could'n do it catch you on the flip side
Dude, you're truly disgusting. You're my hero.
ahhh! thats crazy and amazing and disgusting all at the same time!! i think im gonna be sick!
still feeling sick huh? Good Job with that. How long did it take anyways?? Ok well, take care!!
