Car Accident

i got in a car accident last night. smashed the front of my car in. its not too bad no scratched paint and no bent hood. But the headlights are smashed in. other than that its ok. ...maybe ill take some pictures cause now my insurance is gona go up. The other person's car was pretty much fine too. i hit her bumper so the paint is scratched and theres a crack at the bottom but its small. I wish my effin breaks would have worked better. I was stopping as i got off the freeway offramp but my breaks didnt stop me fast enough, the offramp was pretty backed up so like i didnt have as much time as i normally do to stop. yea...thats what happened tonight... Crystale i misss you! do you read this? Ill have to ask you. XOXOXO
Read 10 comments
Generally speaking jared i am sorry to tell you that, that person is right. You do suck. And well so do i, and majority of people out that. How else would we be able to enjoy out hard candies and other special foods. Maybe that person is incable of sucking so they have to take it out on everyone. I would too if i could suck. We understand your pain bud. You dont need to state the obvouis.
Generally speaking jared i am sorry to tell you that, that person is right. You do suck. And well, so do i, and majority of people at that. How else would we be able to enjoy our hard candies and other special foods. Maybe that person is incapable of sucking so they have to take it out on everyone. I would too if i couldnt suck. We understand your pain bud. You dont need to state the obvouis.
awww I'm sorry hun! i hope everything works out!
I'm glad to see you are doing well ::wink:: ::coughcrystalecough::
That is seriously depressing, Jared! Don't you miss the days when we used to ride horses. By the way, have you touched Scott does he feel?
Also, every time I come to your page, I wonder what a bar of soap has to do with the movie, Fight Club (I didn't see it)?
omgosh that sucks about the car accident!!i hope ur better...=) thanks for the eating here tonight!! no eating here tonight!! u on a diet!!hahaha..
Thanks for the scoop on Fight Club. All I knew about it was that Brad Pitt and Ed Norton rearrange each other's faces. Do you know, does this "soap made from human fat and sold to the public" business have any basis in fact? I really wouldn't be too amazed if I were using it now (Dial?).

Scott is a very busy man. There are a lot of people lined up waiting to touch. We must be patient.
yes,.... I could have just copied it. but I didn't feel like it. And I was just wasting time anyways. PLUS, I find that oftentimes other people can't type and/or leave things out. So NAH! :-p hehe

sorry bout the car though.
dude I just went to your user info and listened to the music and clicked "Start earthquake" and it was like I was having my own private rave in my bedroom with your diary.. uh... haha, thanks dude, it was awesome. :)
btw, sorry about your car accident!