A G00D Day

Listening to: kroq
Feeling: happy
Today is a good day. nothing special really happening, but its a good day. first one ive had in ... well ... lets just say a very long time. Its way overdue! hmmm so whats happenin in my life... well i saw Matrix Revolutions yesterday, that was cool. better than the second one but not as good as the first. oh well though. oh im going to see someone on monday that ive been talking to on the internet and phone for a little over 2 months. i guess thats the main reason for my being in a good mood. Even though im like freakin nervous as hell. but its all good. i just hope she likes me in person. we shall see... hmmm i work tonight...that ought to be a whole buncha fun...yea right! o well work aint too bad. Ikea isnt very busy during the week so me and my friendly coworkers get to talk and just hang out. heh i get to socialize a bit. uhh i have an outline for an essay due tomorrow. ive been putting it off for a week but i have to do it today. i was gona do it this afternoon but i just couldnt concentrate...hopefully ill do it after work tonight...I MUST do it tonight! uhh well i think thats it for now i dont know what else to say other than HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!
Read 8 comments
No, I do that to waste some time.

I like to be friendly and make people feel as if they were welcome. I love sitD and I want to propigate the feeling of warmth and friendliness that I always feel.

Substantial? Perhaps.

Have a great day.

Indeed, my friend, I've never met you in my life. I live in Dallas, Texas, and before this I lived in a small town in south Texas. I've never before been to California (that's where you are, right?).

Thanks for the offer. :D

haha yes. ignorance=grr! lol.
I know you're a friend of Scott and Sarah. I'm hip with sitD gossip and things.


Good luck with your girl.

thats kool ass
hey buddy, I was wondering what website you uploaded that song on...
I have this kid begging me to tell him how that song does its thing in my profile. You uploaded it on a website and than pasted its url, right? Dont worry i didnt tell him your name :P l8r g8r
goooodluck, and im sure she'll love u, u seem like u have a grrreat heart :) have a great day too, and keep in touch i havent gotten many comments from ya man!

Hey, all I want out of 'Matrix: Revolutions' is some good action scenes and Neo in his dress/coat thing. Yeah, that's all I'm expecting.

