21 grams

21 grams... thats how much we lose when we die... where does it go... what is it that weighs 21 grams...
Read 6 comments
uhh.. help me out with this one... im confused!oh yea, and dont let other people and their words get to ya.. if theyre fucked up enough to say it then theyre not worth it! trust me on that one.. just brush it off there are plenty of people out there who are kind hearted enough to realize that ur a great person! -kim :)
i had an intelligent response to say to this, however, i forgot what i was going to say when i saw the date. april 6th. it's my puppy's 4th birthday today. that's kinda silly that i forgot my intelligent/witty comment just because i realized it's my puppy's birthday, but you'd understand if you knew my dog. she's effing cool. her name is sky, but i like to call her sal...

take it easy...
I heard that before. And all I know is that I do not think it's our soul rising from out bodies.

So blah.
hah. oh yeah. the only thing i could think of would be the fluids settling..but i dont know how thatd make the body way less.. so nevermind.
i have no idea lol i just wanted to say hey thanks for the comment! even tho u left it something like a week or so ago lol sorry bout that, i'm slow commenting. we can still be buddies tho, if ya want :-D i guess things are better. i dunno. it's all too confusing right now. :-P
i dont think i am but i'm not EXACTLY sure. i still have 2 weeks before i can take a test.