Summer Plans

hmmm what would i like to do this summer... well ill tell you what i dont wana do, sit at home! i plan to be out and about doing stuff this summer... ill be working of course, making some extra money so that i can do whatever i want. Probly gona hit up the theme parks... i wana go to six flags magic mountain! i love rollercoasters! hmm what else... maybe a road trip if i can get time off work... thad be cool... but i dunno. hmm probly gona spend time at the beach and drink jamba juice... oh btw ive discovered how great jamba juice is... yuuuuum! i dont really know what else but id like to have lots of fun. summer will be fun! ill have money so im gona have a blast! yay... ok thats all for now... ------added later-------- oh and maybe ill go to some concerts. that could be fun yup yup! :]
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i hate rollercoasters!!!!!!!
*hides in her corner*