1.boy 1.girl 2.hearts

so today was pretty much a normal day, nothing too exciting at all. i'm really behind in all my school work since i was only at school 2 days last week with all the drama and appointments and stuff going on. so i deffinately gotta fix that situation. _Oh, Alex and Tiera are my new love partners_ went to see my BayBay after school for only about an hour or so today. he's so busy with his job and baseball that i never see him anymore, not to mention the whole two different schools thing. but yeah, i got my cuddle smoochy time and now i feel complete, i seriously just love being around that boy. anyways, his mommy had to drop him off at baseball and on the way to take me home we bumped into Josh's Uncle Mike and lil Alyssa and got "...introduced to the in-laws" as Sue would put it ;)

him ripping your jeans while he tackles you= 40$ breaking phone while in your pocket on impact= 20$ bandaid from accidently scratching his face= .05$ another memorable moment with Josh= priceless*


Read 4 comments
wow ur diarys is amazingly cute
I love your diary. Its muCh0o cute! =] ♥
i like the new layout
, here is the code for the border

#entry_table {border:8px solid;border-color:color here}

{no spaces}


haha youve seen my other diary? =]

Blurred links from xanga.com/html_scripts
a:hover {filter:blur(add="0",direction="80",strength="5"); height:0;};
