you curse like a sailor

"this is where I say I've had enough" forget everything. School has officially marked the beginning of the end of my first and only real/intense relationship :/ I dunno, ever since school started it's been easier getting over Josh and the same goes for him so it seems. I think we're trying too hard to make things better && right now neither of us really want to do that, let alone have the time for that kind of effort. I think we're just too affraid to hurt one another so instead of having a definite closure, we're sorta kinda just fading away slowly??! Not the best way to handle things but we're not really doing anything to change it. We hang out once in a blue moon and talk pretty much only when we're together. It's different and all but I guess it's for the better. I mean if we can't make this work then maybe it's supposed to be like that. I'm starting to accept the fact that all good things must come to an end annnnnnd I'm getting along a lot better than I thought I would without being attached at the hip with him. So Ya Know...It's hard to tell if any of this is definite cuz lately we've just sort of been going with the flow and trying to get our own lives in order so maybe if we did actually work on it things would be different but we really don't have the time for one another and when we do it's not even the same between us. For example: Today he accidently called me instead of his house cuz our numbers are similar. It was right out of the blue and this was the first time I had heard from him in a few days. Yeah, it was just dumb small-talk that pretty much had no point so I figured that while I actually had ahold of him I would go pick up my clothes that I left at his house. So, I got him from his friends house and dropped him off at his house and that was it? We barely talked didn't make plans for later didn't say any "I'll call you later" type of thing. Just Bye. It's almost like a burden when we accidently talk or see eachother which is so not anything like us cuz before we were planning on working things out and now its just like well I'm not sure anymore. I guess you just have to let things go && if shit happens, it happens. If not, Oh well I think we'll manage :) -©-

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