Only 2 months left

I have only 2 months left till I graduate. I'm writing a critical review and then I have two classes in July and then I'm done. I'm excited but I know it's going to be a lot of work. When I move home I'm moving in with my friend Raquel. That should be fun. I need to find and job and a place. I'm going to take a year off before grad school. I can work and relax.
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Hey chickie! we sooo need to get together sometime soon... i know we keep saying that but i really mean it this time. i've got your number programmed in my cell phone but i haven't done anything lately to hang out with people. on the 29th a bunch of us girls are going up to filas street in toga bar hopping. i'd love it if you came too if you're not busy! let me know... still got my number? if not, leave me a comment and i'll tell you on myspace.