
I just remembered what my dream was from about 2 days ago. And this is how it went... (kinda pointless, but its ok! this is one of those dreams were it felt sooo real.. I just wish it was real) So I walked outside to check out the new people who had moved in across the street from me. The profile of the family fit Jase's family... ya know, with the amount of people in it and everything. I didnt go up to the door, but I was just pretending to do yard work to check it all out. The guy, who was my age, wouldn't turn around so I couldnt see his face. I finally said fuck it, it was probably just "another family", and walked inside. I came outside again at night because I was going to head out somewhere, and the my-aged-guy was sitting in his room. For some reason his actual physical profile fit Jason too... But I could only see his siholette. It creeped me out, so I decided to give Jase a call since I call him whenever something creepy like that happens. Well, as Jason picked up the phone, the guy sitting in his room picked up the phone. I just thought it was weird coinkidink. I asked Jason where he was at, and he said in his room. I thought just another coinkidink. I asked him to go to his window, and sure enough Jason was a lil' fuck head and didn't tell me he moved across the street from me. ...Dirty me only knows what happened next.... HahAHAHA IM JK! ...Well, actually, Arika probably knows since she knows how we both act..... muahahhaha But ya... it just kinda creeped me out. That would be so tight if that happened though. I think I would die....
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i like the name of ur diary
well, since I'm still logged onto your name, I'll just say it, I think you should give it to him, it wouldn't hurt anything...and plus, it gives you a chance to redeem yourself and your 'bitchyness', lol...love you nucca!