
What the hell kind of emotion is that? Lol... "TWITTERPATED"... Anyone want to explain? Hahaha [[I know you know this one Arika! jk]] So um ya! Havent written in awhile, so since I have nothing to do, I figured Id go off on a couple tangents. Nothing is really new. Im sad I didnt get to go this weekend. I know I wouldnt have seen my boy, but I still wanted to be with my nuccy! Even still, I hope you did well pitchingggg! Geez, it seems like all my plans this weekend went downhill lol... Friday night I was supposed to go see Batman Returns with my pops, but he cancelled on me since he had to go to work. Then I couldnt even kill time and go to work since I got this weekend off for the purpose of going w/Arika. So yesterday I DID go with Z to a basketball tourney (ew... it was boring... as always... everyone around here sucks at basketball) and then after we were supposed to hang out again after I went and got my schedule for next week. Well, with my luck, I didnt go back lol. So THEN we were supposed to hang out at night with a friend from middle school who I havent seen in a year and a half, but nope... she decided to go to her friend Tyler's and spend the night there. GRRRRR lol. Im trying to call my pops but hes just not answering. Hes at the movies seeing War of the Worlds with his gf. Damn people are seeing movies without me lol. Haha Im not complaning about this by the way, I think its kinda funny. Annnyway. Um. I got my report card a couple days ago. I got a 4.0 GPA, THANK GOD. When I looked online to see what I got since I knew it would take awhile to get the actual paper record of it, it said I had a B in english. To my surprise, I ended up getting an A. I guess that final really helped my grade out, YESSS'A! I dont want to sound all about myself, but Im proud of how well I did. It was a challenge near the end of the semester since I got a job. Speaking of work. Its going well I suppose. It has its good days, and its bad where Im super tired. With the rate Im working, its going to take forever to save up for a car unforunately. AH ok. I have nothing else to write I guess. Hope everythings going well for y'all. ♥
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twitterpated eh? haha...well isn't that shit off of the movie bambi!?! it's like how they said sex or lust and got away with was when they were talking about how the birds get thurr freak on during springtime...instead of putting it into such a derogatory manner as I just did...they said that the birdies twitterpated. bahahah! there you go nuc! glad to help! ♥ Arik
wow.. your really pretty!

and VERY cute diary!! :-)