wednesday baby!

Listening to: nadaaaaa
Feeling: adventurous
ehem. so today was an extremely longggggg day. sad thing is, classes were shorter today. spanish class was freeeezing. math was freakin' boring, and i'm definetely screwed seeing as i lost my math book. hoh well. then there's 3RD FREAKING PERIOD LUNCH. 1O FLIPPING 45 IN THE AM. Atleast i have it with ap. we couldn't find anywhere to sit we have a space but we sit there and talk to each other. well, sometimes john comes over and talks to us. befriend the losers everyone. =) pah, maybe tomorrow we'll sit somewhere else. 4th period webdesign -- COOL TO THE MAX man!!! and i sit next to kyle, who provides a somewhat entertaining 52 minutes. 5th period mr. hubbard, definetely got a few screws loose there. then theres 6th period geography. back to coloring in history maps, what else is new. sit next to kyle in that class too. then theres 7th period english. don't fret guys, its only about a 5 mile walk out to her classroom. no just kidding, i'm just tired and lazy so it seems longer. and since lunch is so freaking early, i don't eat. therefore by the time i get home i am starving have to death and ready to consume my left foot. maybe not, but i made mother take me to panera. anywyay i am chatting online to buddies and i must give that my full attention. ta-ta.
Read 3 comments
i'm sorry lauren! hope your semester gets better! where do you get those icons again like the one you found me a long time ago.
cool to the max.. my web site/comp teacher from 7th says that
omg that was the funniest diary entry ive ever read, i might consume my left foot, got a few screws loose there haha i love you and nicole says hey :-)