Rains Like Hell.

Listening to: GoOgOO*dOlLS
Feeling: bored
..It always rains like hell on the loser's day parade... > Wow, i was just recently thinking about how much has happened this year. And its only february. The LT, Taylor's dad, and so many other things are just flying by so fast and i can't keep up. Freshman year sure has been interesting..I just need to stop and catch my breath. Not much interesting happened today. It was raining. So that made for a saddish day. It was web, so first i went and hung with ko, phil, and some other dudeees. ko is freaking hilarious. then madre picked me up and i went to the ortho. Good news is: He says my teeth are lookin' good and he says i'm getting them off by next December or sooner. Bad news is: My cheeks are so fat, they thought they were swollen and puffy. No, they are just a little overweight, thank you. Classes are good. All a's babyy Who's yourrr momma. Taylors coming back to school tomororow. I miss that kid. In other news, there really is none. I'm gonna go call jeremy and be a good little girlfriend. P e a C e
Read 5 comments
ur hunny buns got a hair cut :-D -r-
what eva y doont u go and fuck your self.like you told me.so go on with your crooked lips and your no assed self.
Ahh wheres your daily entry? =(
i love the rain
it sucks you coudln't go see hitch.. oh well.. we'll go another time.. laterrrr