Where Can You Run?

Where can you run to escape from yourself? Well..I decided to write since its 9:5O on a school day and i'm at home. :]...More on that later. Anyway, yesterday school was alright. Spanish & Math tests weren't toooo hard. Lunch -- Sat w/ Phil. Not much else happened... stayed after school for a geography project. Kyle as my parter. Hah but i finished that, then went to Publix to get my food. French Pastries :)..I think i'm gonna eatttumm since they aren't going to school anyways!..Thennn i went to aberrrcrombie and got new jeans. SINCE I ONLY OWN 3 PAIRS, COUNTING the ripped ones. NOW ONTO MY EYE. I got home and IT WAS FREAKING PUFFY? So then it just kept getting puffier and puffier. And that's why i'm not at school. SORRY, but i don't have enough goddamn confidence to go to school with a fat-pad underneath my eye. Going to the doctor at 12. Basically so they can tell me theres fat rolls under my eye, and nothing they can do about it. Gureeeat. But hopefully i can still hang out tonight with emily and rachael. I don't care..they make fun of me enough anyway :] Whats ONE more thing? My thoughts exactly. I'm going to go straighten my hair to make myself look like less of a monster. Keep the peaaace. ♥ ♥
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haha now we know where all the fats going to end up from your "diet" haha justtt kidding. later
helloo! here you go sorry that took a while.. i hope thats what you're asking for! mwahz
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hey awesome diary! sry bout your eye though! it freaking sux right? (it happened to me too) lol ttyl!
no more haters
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