Ice, Ice Baby.

Listening to: Nothin\'
Feeling: awesome
Your Kisses Make My Heart S k i p A B e a t

So today was quite boring. I got up around 11 To the sound of my mother screaming up the stairs. AND IT SNOWED!!!!! Actually, it more iced. And it wasn't exciting, it sucks because a) Its not on a school day and b) My mom wouldn't drive me to jeremy's or ANYWHERE. So i was gonna go to jeremy's, but i Couldn't. Then he was going to come to my houseee, but then that didn't happen either. So then i watched The Emperor's New Groove by myself..officially the best movie ever. 'Oh no, now i feel really bad, BAD LLAMA' Yeah, i love it. Then i played some nintendo..spongebob squarepants represent. Who got 2 golden spatulas? Thats right, me. So that was my hardcore day. Oh yeah, me and moms made brownies. and i'm about to go eat one. talked to jeremy on the phone for like, four hours. wow, i need to get a life. i am hanging out with someone tomorrow. anyone. i haven't left my house since friday afternoon. it is now saturday night. that is pathetic. so call me kiddies 8], that brownie is calling my name.

Read 3 comments
i like the colors..amusing
haha man THATTTT SUCKS!! we should have done something yesturday oh well!! love you!!
ps-have fun w/ jeremy today ;-)
wow i love the colors! see ya in web page-ilu!