..Just to Be Like that.

...if i could be like that, i would give anything. just to live one day in those shoes.
so today. was long. and boring. but i'll tell you about it anyway. went to school. not much goin' on there besides the occasional friend/boyfriend sighting that makes my day awesome =] then my phone went off in 7th period. jenna cough jenna texted me. way-to go. haha, just kidding. then tonight i babysat. $17 bABYYY. $29.OO in 2 days. I'm a rich woman. Hahah, just kidding. So then i came home and showered and sat around. and thats all i can remember about my boring day. so im gonna go to bed, cept for i just drank about a gallon of root beer. therefore i am filled with caffeeinnne. i was so excited that my mom bought it for me. aaaaaadios
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