would you?

Measure Your Fears - Would You, Wouldn't You, You Did

Created by beindthecurtain and taken 8410 times on bzoink!

Pet a snakehave
Spend a week in an empty roomwouldn't
Ride in a hot-air balloonhave
Sky divewant to
Sing in front of a huge audiencefuck that
scuba divewant to
Sit in the front seat of a roller coasterhave
Deliver a babywould
Swim across the Amazon Rivernope...not gonna happen
Change careerswhat career?
Disappear for a long period of timewould
Walk through the forest alone at nighthmm..no
Join a space missionpossibly
Tell everyone what you honestly think of themmost of the time i do
Call off your weddingIm not getting married
Walk naked through New York City for 10 minutes during rush houryea... i dont like clothes anyways
Walk up to Mike Tyson and call him a girlhehe...thats cute
Disarm a bombif i was in the mood
CLean the outside windows of a skyscraperuhhhh...
Draw a mustache on the Mona Lisa with a permanent markerlol...no ... but itd be funny if someone did
Go on tour with Elvisnah
Go swimming during a thunder stormhave
Preform surgury on your best friendi dunno

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