

Created by natalieclaire and taken 283 times on bzoink!

Do you ever lick glass?no
Is your phone on the charger?no
Is your phones battery running low?probably
What is your name?Ashlee
Sex?all the time... jk...Female
Do you like to party?hell yea
Is it cold over there?its mildy warm
Where do you live?i forgot
Do you smell bad or good?super good
Have you taken out the garbage?not lately..
What is your favourite question?paper or plastic?
Would you ever prostitute yourself?YES....i mean no lol
Have you ever been abused by a loved one?yes
This includes emotional abuse...of course
Do you love yyour family?yea
Why?cause theyre my family...DUH
Do you have broadband?huh?
Capitals or lower case?capital
Whats the difference between a drug dealer and a prostitutei ve never met a prostitute
Have you ever fucked a prostitute?look at the last question
Do you smoke like its going out of fashion?sometimes
Alcohol and drugs?Alcohol...hell yea... drugs... depends what you consider drugs.
Are you thirsty?now that you mention it..
Whats your grandfathers name?Tommy
Whats your best friends name?delete this question
Do you have a penis?not last time i chekced...
would you like one?haha... i cant believe that was a question
Are you a loser?naw
Why do you take these silly surveys anyway?cause nicoles dumbass is sleeping and im bored
Do you use the tab button?yea
Do you type fast?i think so
Do you say whatever comes into your head?yea... it gets me in trouble
Do you like the smell of lawn clippings?uhhhhhhhh
What is you fucking problem?I JUST WOKE UP!
Are you a whingy little teenage fuck?sometimes
What would you buy with 3 dollars and 50 cents?nothin.. i would save it til i got another dollar fifty so then i had 5
Is it legal for you to drink?alcohol...no... anything else..yes
Do you ever hold it when you need to urinate?sometimes
Whats your stool like?WHAT!?!?!
How are you?alive
Why are you hitting me?cause I can
Why do I ask stupid questions?cause you can
Bounty, Mars or Smarties?Smarties
Have you ever screamed out the wrong name while being fucked?lol..no ...but that would be funny
Whats your eye color?hazel
describe your feet in three words.......small..clean... white
Are we there yet?tomorrow
How many of these surveys have you done anyway?a few
Favourite position( EXCLUDING DOGGIE, so predictable...)reverse cowgirl...lol
Do you do this "......" all the time?noo
Are you a bit silly?always
Will you please pour me a drink?no... fuck that
Gotta light?yup
Where can we get on?.........to the left
I dont want to drive too far.......I will
Tell me about the last time you stayed in a motel...my mom works at one what do you think?
When did you last have sex?Monday night i believe
Do you like the word "penetration"?its odd
Nearly done, Whats your ideal poo?huh?
Whats your msn so I can add you? (just kidding!)lil_miss06@hotmail.com
How often do you use the refresh button?dont keep track
Will you please go out with me? I am such a desperate loser.....lol

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