College ...

Well hey there... to anyone and everyone. Her i am sitting at my second day at college. Is it excitng you ask? NO IT FUCKING AINT! I am bored as hell and all my books havent came yet so i am stuck in computer class well everyone does the assignment and i cant. Oh well it happens right? right... so last night my aunt and i had a bit of a falling out with eachother. her digital cam got broke , hardly broke, it is still usable... but it is broke. anyways, apparently i was the one who broke it, atleast according to her and my uncle. and upon deciding i was the one who broke it they also decided that i am no wbecoming very secretive because i am always in my room. I dont think they realize that um i am in my room at night when i am getting ready for bed. From about 9pm until i go to bed i am usually in my room watching t.v. and talking to andrew. i usually get out of work around 7 or 8. and i leave for work int he morning. so as you can imagine that doesnt leave much time for hanging out with the fam. especially because lately after work i am completely beat. I am NOT being secretive i am being tired and cranky. There for i am a bit unsociable and so i cant prevent form pissing people off by being bitchy i just go in my room and catch some zzzz's. but nope now-a-days that is called BEING SECRETIVE. Excuse me for thinking that that is B.S. Oh and apparently i am always on their cell phones. well you see they get free mins after 9... and andrew never get to talk until night time.... so when we finally get to talk we are on the phone for about an hour. by the time i get off the phone i want to go to bed so i can get up early. But in my aunt and uncles eyes cell phone use + being in bedroom + being quiet = BEING SECRETIVE AND UNAPPRECIATIVE. Whatever... i guess i just have to give into their shit and 'try harder.' as if i am not trying hard enough. I am working as much as i can, meaning that i pick up as many hours as possible. Go to school 2 days a week from 130 pm -830 pm. And i babysit quite a few night out of the week. All so that i can pay for my uncle to get his truck fixed because i put a dent in it. but i am unappreciative. Man i am always ahappy person but this women always bitching at me about something is startin to get to me. Apparently i am not good enough for anyone. and they all think i am just like my mother. Oh yea and who would watch their kids when they are both working third shift for free, if i wasnt there? oh yea, NO ONE! okay enough bitching. On a happier note my fabulous daddy is paying off all of my fines for me this week and isnt having me pay him back until January which is great. I just love him. And another thing, only a few months until andrew moves down here and we get our apartment. I miss him a ton and i am trying so hard to fix everything i screwed up. And he is trying to take care of all his stuff so he can move down here... well thats about it... drop me acomment
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