It's cold!!

Feeling: special
Nothing much going on here! Went to Meghan Marie's house last night with Eliza and had a good time! We had enchilada casserole! It was so good! Then we went outside and played volleyball and talked for about 2 hours last night! Haha! That was fun. Then got up this morning and had to work at the gym for a mini-meet until noon and then went tanning for Promotion! Yahoo! But I didnt tell all ya'lls! Went to the Royals Game on Thursday! Had a blast! We were the hippos! Haha and we morphed into Hungary Hippos! We had a good time! And the Royals won! Haha! We all decided that the Royals should hire us to be there so they will win more often! haha! And I GOT A SUNBURN ON MY FEET!! It hurt really bad! That is the only place I got sunburned so that was ok with me! ;) Everyone else got really badly sunburned on their uhh legs and like arms and stuff... Anyway! Well going to JR's College graduation party tonight! Yahoo! At least Jake will be there to hang out with for a while.. but he has to leave for Curtis' party at like 7 so yeah... that will suck... anyway! Hope you all have a great rest of your weekend! 3 more days until we are freshmen! Which reminds me.... We have a Social Studies Final on Monday... Grr... and I have to memorize my speech for promotion and I have variety show, Dance team, work, PT, Kate's house on Wednesday to celebrate graduation, Graduation party at Sacred Heart on Friday and then after that hopefully not too hecktic! haha! Who else am I gonna lean on Laurie By the way, I love this song to death! It is like my theme song! Love ya'll
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