Staring at a Maple Leaf

Feeling: dizzy
So today has been interesting so far! Woke up and went to weightlifting, that was fun :/ We did these Cyclone things and you are at mid-court and you sprint to the endline and back pedal back, then shuffle back to the endline and then backpedal again! And then sprint to endline and back! And we had to do that like 4 times. So that was fun? So then we went down to the weightroom. I was fine until we like did these back arm curl things? Yeah, I felt like I was having like cramps in my stomach and I was like OW! And then I thought I was going to be sick.. yeah that was fun. So I sat down so if I did blow chunks it didnt go everywhere! Haha! So I sat down and Eliza was looking at me and she smiled, and I didnt even have enough energy to smile back at her. So Meg looks at me and she is like "WOW! Your really really pale Laurie!" I was like "Yeah, I dont feel very good." So, I got up to like do some more arm things and I felt like I was about to pass out. So, Coach Lewis was right next to me helping Kelsey Diamond and I was like "Lewis... Lewis... LEWIS!" And I told him what was going on and he took me outside to get some air? So, I am sitting on this like bench thing that you do like weights on... that is outside and I am leaning on the pole and I was like "I feel like I am about to be sick!" and Lewis is like "Well, can you make it to the locker room?" and I was like "Uhhh... I dont think so." So he helped me up to help me to the locker room. And then my like vision starting going away, I kept seeing like snapshots of walking, honestly, I remember the walk to the locker room but I dont? If that makes since. So I am walking and I start wobbling as I am walking, and I keep like running into the wall, so Lewis helps me walk, and I feel like I am about to fall over. So, I remember like stopping and Lewis saying "Hold on a sec." And I remember like leaning against the wall to get balance and the next thing I know I am waking up and I am on the floor with Lewis talking to me... trying to wake me up. And all I could think was "Wow that was a strange dream!" And then I was like "WHOA! That was no dream!" and the only thing I could think to say was "Did I faint?" I know weird right!? But I mean I was like basically out of it the whole time so I had no idea what I was saying! :P So then Lewis helps me up and he has to carry me I was so bad, I couldnt walk to save my life. So then he carried me into Bill's office onto a like bed thing? And then thats when I started like getting "conscious" again. So Lewis is talking to me and stuff and yeah. So he left to go help weight lifting and let me "Sleep". So yeah that is basically the story! Hope you enjoyed it! Haha! But seriously! Before I fainted, I thought I was dying... litterly! And no, that is not just a figure of speech, I thought I stopped breathing and stuff! It's scary, but not at the time because I was totally out of it! So here I am, in sweatpants and my cut T-Shirt, yes! Waiting to get back to life. Haha! Tonight, I am going out to eat with my volleyball team and then playing our last game at S2S! Awww! Tear! Then I might do something with Eliza and Meg afterword! Yahoo! Well, hope you enjoyed my death bed story! haha! Love ya'll! By the way! Show some love and leave some comments! I know you want to! :P If I ain't got you, Laurie EDIT: By the way, we basically found the house we are going to buy.. Just if you wanted to know! I think the address is 735 Beech street!
Read 11 comments
I thought I'd drop by and say "hi" back! Are you feeling better from this morning? Hope so! :-)

Hey Babe!
Geez that sounds sooo scary! I couldn't even imagine! I hope you're doing better!
So who was this boy in this dream ;) you must tell hehe...
love ya!
pp :P
Well I'm glad you're feeling better! Did you guys end up winning your S2S games? We play we'll see how that goes :-P

sweet! I new house! im going to have to drive by it sometime to see what it looks like!!!

loooove the layout babe!
yeah so...your hott!
I think that house is by me like really not sure i will do some exploring :]..hahah alright later

Are you moving in right across the street from Caseys?

Hey again! Great job at winning the league, you guys are awesome! We lost a couple, but didn't do to bad compared to last year :-P
Are you guys going to be the house for sure or are you still looking around!?
Geez! What part of update don't you understand?! :P
loooove ya!
Ya so i updated. . wait haha you know that! i loooooove you!
