Too Hot to Handle

Feeling: jaded
Ok, so it's only Saturday and already my weekend has rocked! We will start out with Friday, shall we? ;) Hahaha. Friday I had Dance and that was really fun... nothing special but fun. We learned some more of the dance to Black Betty. I like the dance a lot. Anyway, and like at the end Dunn took us aside to talk to us or whatever and the cheerleaders got up and Dunn like screamed at them.. it was flippin hilarious! Then came home and uhh cleaned the house, then went to Ky's to practice for the recital with just Ky. That was fun. Then went to Ky's parents house to get ready for the recital, and Ky did my hair in 5 minutes but it looked really really good. Then got ready for the recital and had it. It went really good. Then at the end Meghan called me to tell me that all of the girls were going over to Ian's house to watch a movie, which was no big problem whatsoever. We watched Monster Man (I agree with Meg, horror movies have really low budgets, because all the props and stuff were really sucky) But it was really weird! And it had a really crappy ending because I really liked this one girl named Sarah and she was like bad so that stunk majorly. But then we watched about a half hour of Super Troopers, which was really really really funny. I laughed basically the entire time we watched it. Then we went to Jamie's house and had a blast there. We were up until basically 4'o'clock. It was SOO much fun! And we texted Ian basically the whole time we were there. But, Morgan and Kate decided to be dorks and go out in the pouring down rain and lightening to Jamie's trampoline, so naturally we joined them.. it was SOO much fun! We all got soaked through, I am surprised we didnt get like hypothermia or something. But there were some funny moments last night I tell you what. Like one was Jamie going in this huge puddle and going pee. Then Morgan, Jamie, Meg and Kate had a piggy-back ride race. That was hilarious because Morgan slipped with meg on her back and all I could see was this figure just fall to the ground by a tree, so I thought she straddled it but she didnt... but it was still funny. But then Jamie's neighbor heard us and like opened his back door and we heard it so we all hit the ground except Kate and she ran for the gate and totally ran into it.. it was hilarious. But then we went into Jamie's screened in porch and talked for about 2 hours and then went to sleep. But I have about hmm... 8 misquito bites for outside! Geez! Then today nothing really went on.. went to KC with Dad and saw the 3rd Star Wars movie... it was really good! Great, now everyone is going to be like "Laurie, you are such a nerd" Oh well! Proud of it, if it means your a nerd when you are looking at a super cute actor with his shirt off! ;) haha So, just like 5 minutes ago Donna Guylfoyle came up to our door and told us to call 911. Umm.. ok? There was a truck of guys drunk that decided to go down 10th street while it was completely flooded, with hazard lights on the road... but did they pay attention to that? Of course not! haha. So now the driver is going to jail. Goody. haha Well I think that is good for one night.. I am going to bed! I am super tired. Goodbye for now. Sweet Me, Way down South Laurie EDIT: Tomorrow I'm going to Nikko's Japanese Steak House for my Dad's bday with Eliza, Meg, and my mom! Yahoo! Hopefully, Eliza can catch a shrimp in her mouth this year ;) Will let you know! Haha.. have a good rest of the weekend everyone!
Read 5 comments
gah dang you're sexy.

i'll wear my superman pants for you sometime this week, promise.

OMG! Nikkos was really fun!! and tell your mom again that that cake was bangin'!
Love you lots!
FINE LAURIE!!!DONT WRITE IN YOUR DIARY ABOUT HOW MADLY IN LOVE WE ARE!!!ahhhh, pretty much, i loved that super- sweet ninja moved you pulled today, every ninja falls at least once, (coughcough) except me cause i have the power of the side pony!
daaaammmnnn, yous fine.

Love you