Turn around bright eyes

Feeling: excited
Nothing much going on today! Just waiting for Eliza to call me and see if she can come over so yeah! Uhh..I am basically FREEZING right now... which is fun I guess?! :P But I am so EXCITED about Kate's birthday tomorrow! AT GREAT WOLF LODGE! HECK YESSSS!!! I can't wait to meet hotties again! That was SOO much fun last year! Tonight, going to work for the last time! :( yeah I am really upset about that, because even if I get mad at Ky and stuff I still love her as a person and the gym has been my second home for SOO long that I just can't even imagine never stepping foot inside of it ever again... I am really really REALLY devastated about that one. Yeah it's all good though.. Anyway that is about it! :P Now there's only love in the dark Laurie
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Heyhey lovely woman! i ant wait to get my freak on with you at dance on wednesday!yes!
i want you like a doughnut!
i love you!
*Destiny Dawn*