25 :} grr! umph ..

well Emiz is in the shower so yea i got on for a bit .. today was her last night here! l0l0 went to NY instead of comming home like planned but .. all is go0d i guess.. the past couple of days have been fun .. just different. well last night we had a bbQ at my casa .. and everyone came .. then we played fo0tball in the back .. Emiz was a BEAST!! lma0! she tackled me .. everyone thought that i was madd at her for it but i didn't give a damn! l0l i thought it was kinda of funny. Then we went to the coldasack and played ManHunt .. there team cheated so .. our team SO won!! they hid in the po0l and we looked for them for like 30 min! and then Emiz, Carly, and me to0k on all the guys .. we so won!! hehe :D .. then today .. we hung with all them except Carly was getting her hair done most of the time. We were all outside then we jumped into the po0l with our clothes on .. of coarse!! hehe :D well yea then we went in bobby's ro0m .. then ate pizza .. thank god i almost died from hunger! then we went back into Bobby's room and we watched "who wants to be a millionare" and we fought over the answers .. then we were all just laying down and stuff.. and i was being ammused by some wooden blocks well rite more l8er g'nite y'all
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omg i love your diary it is so cute..it is effin adorable =D
thank u for liking my llama i love him!!