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HAPPY NEW YEARS! Last night was wild with Carly. The boys were being ultra gay but it's okay, they're just immature .. even though they're older than us? But Jonny was okay, I can handle him. And whenever he picks on me for something I just say 'you know there was a time where you actually liked me and hooked up with me, remember that?' .. then most of the time he just shuts up. :] I haven't really thought about my NEW YEARS RES0LUTI0N but I guess since it's officially 2006 today, I should make one. ♥ 0kay I want to become a C0UNTRY SINGER♥ 0kay I know it's a bit, unrealistic. And it's deffinately not something that can magicly happen over night; it's something you have to work hard on. So that's what my RES0LUTI0N is : to work on becomming a C0UNTRY SINGER S0.. 1] I'm gonna get serious about singing 2] I'm gonna get a voice teacher 3] I'm gonna stay in my chior class at school 4] I'm gonna work harder in dance so I can become a better all around dancer and in shape 5] I'm gonna write songs and work harder to complete them and to work on the music not just the lyrics WELL .. My other NEW YEARS RES0LUTI0N is : to not be so desperate, and to gain more patience when it comes to boys and love I don't need to be so .. like '0MG! I NEED A B0YFRIEND RIGHT N0W 0R LIFE'S GAY!' I know that I can have a lot of fun without a boyfriend around, or even having a boy there. I know how to have fun with my friends, I just need to prove it to myself; and not be so neggative.
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dont worry i need a bf too!
