113:( I QUiT LiFE

WHAT IS THIS UNFAIR THING WE CALLED LIFE? AND WHERE DOES REALITY STOP AND THE FANTASY START TO KICK IN? I'm so pissed right now! I just got back from dance. I had to endore 3 hours of trying on two costumes one being an okay one [production of coarse] and one being the one that made me flip out [lyrical shouldn't make us look like trees] Okay it's h i d e o u s ! I feel like I'm a joke dancing in it. Like I'm not worth a real costume. This is unbelievably GAY! I mean we pay real good money for these damn costumes and you know what; I'd be willing to pay more to get something better than the crap I've been having to deal with. If I thought the costume was worth it. I'm intirely fed up. It's been three years of this. And this year had by far been the worste and most tiresome. first year: TAINTED LOVE 'I wanna .. runn away .. from my costume' Yeah, they were hand - me - downs.. Stella didn't want to eat her money for it. It was major bull! But we dealt being that it was our first year we wanted to make a good impression. second year: HIT THAT/I BELEIVE Those costumes weren't too bad. They were reasonable and they actually kind of matched our dance a little. And our lyrical were good too .. this year: JUMP/THE LIMITS OF LOVE HIDEOUS! Jump .. black and red .. we look like goths who can't afford better material than cheap velvet. Limits of Love .. BR0WN! & GREEN! they are disgusting and we look like f*ing trees! They're horrible and that's the costume that got me so worked up!!
I'm just so pissed ..
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your background is scary..