83 :) TiME F0R A PARTY!?

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PARTY! Well tonight there's a party at this kidds house. He's one of those people that I know from association! You know? That kind. But I got permission from my mom I think .. and now I have to see if it's okay with him that I go .. -But I don't know if Mr. Secret is gonna be going tonight. And I need to spend time with him so I can get to know him better and vise versa!! So yeah! -BUT if we both end up going tonight .. I need to make an AMAZiNG impression on him! .. only 0NE WEEK & a HALF untill Christmas Break!! S0 LiTTLE TiME -SANTA CUTiE THERE'S 0NLY 0NE THiNG i REALLY D0 NEED
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