
yes yes yes!!! the sun is out... soooooo happy... now what to do about this nice hot day?? no clue have to think about that one... hummm well this is just another one of those random things but... I don’t get some symbolism of things... like blood or tears.... (Ok this is hard to explain so ill try)... why do people put so much into those things.. Acting as if a little bet of blood is something symbolic... people right about those things.. almost as if they were something special... but there just ordinary things... i know that I’ve always found it hard to think of something as more than it really is.. like a watch is a watch no matter who gave it to u and if it breaks u throw it away u don’t keep it for memories.. and how would getting rid of it erase your memories??? Just something I’ve been thinking about... well to anyone that wants go to i have another game on Tue same time (3:15) Jennifer is the best ever... ===== ahhh i fell asleep and just woke up and the sun's gone!!! i went to go read because me and my mom got in a fight on the phone and i wanted to b a lot less mad when she came home and reading always makes me calmer.... well last night i gat mabie a good 4 hours of sleep.. and while i was reading i just kind nodded off... sooo pissed
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god damn ur dumb.

just reading ur diary makes me feel dumb.

::gets dumb look on face::
how fun was last night!!!! it was so hot!! i know i had a blast..cough "randy" cough haha well i heart you and we r so going to ierland!!
Way to call me while you were under the influence, under the influenced caller of me.
karissa!!! I havent talked to you in a while. why not? o well.

well l love you and m sry l dont talc to you at school .. l wll. lol.. and ummmm
your hot
hey karissa...i heart you...and you are not dumb... kisses charlotte