
My friend is drownding and i cant save him... right now he has me worried hes hurt himself but in his own way makes me feel like hes fine... i know hes tryed to kill himself before and i have no clue what to do right now...
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ooo you better add me! haha

and that doesnt sound like a very good entry. i hope everything is okay.
i honestly dont feel sorry for people that want to kill themsleves. i know who your talking about and i think he is a big boy and can hadle it. your sweet for caring though
do they have a psychologist?
I like ur picture lol, wet willy style! and about ur friend, WHOA, make sure to watch him, and make sure he doesnt do anything down the road, make sure hes always doin ok... at least thast what id do. Live is precious.

Evan of the book
I go through that situation a lot.. and i cant help but feel really bad for you.. maybe you can help him though. Ive never been able to help the other people in my life before because i was selfish and was suicidal myself.. Hopefully you pull through, him also.
