somthing to think about

I don’t get why we all rush through life right now... I really wish a persons life time was longer so we could just slow down.... I wonder if we slowed down and just took more time at everything how much happier we would be... if I never cared about what I was going to do next I’m sure I would have a better every day… I never achieve anything at all every day is wasted... but what makes a day worthwhile. I haven’t figured that out yet if I did I would make every day like that... have a reason for today to matter… not just be in the way of tomorrow... I want a lot though why would this be different….
Read 24 comments
hey i was just randomly goin through diaries...your diary is really cute! just thought i'd tell you that, wish mine was as pretty as yours hehe
yeah thats just cause your all cool and stuff. see you at youth group tonight perhaps. <3
Heyy ok Quick Question.. How do you make that little boz pop up when you first visit someones profile... id like to do it! Thanks!

I just want to say HI! and I missed all teh f/s this morning in practice!
I'll see you around school!

good idea. i love that.

we should slow down and take life in, its supposed to be the best time right now.

well happy new year!
comments than
get more
karissa you will
do you really?

sorry, sir... i don't get the question
the cat is hot?
double click the cat and it will give you the html for it. i don't mind if you copy, i think everyone should have one or twenty
Hehe. I live in Cali. Been a beach bum all my life! :) Cuz I live right on the coast. My house is like..2 miles away. But anyhow. I added you to my friends. Hopefully I'll ttyl!!!

I am so sorry! This is my friends diary and I am editing it for her. My diary is actually [roxysurferbabe92] LOL!!! Well, check it out. bye.
you have a beautiful diary.
Nice Diary. Totally weird tho cuz...I have the same name as you! Except I spell mine with a "C" :) Well, ttyl.

what time is your polo game?
to make everyday happy is up to you. i am glad you r thinkig really hard about it and the key to looking at life (i think) is to look at the little things and just see how awesome everything is and be totally greatful

i heart you karissa!!
in my background resides conor oberst of bright eyes.
i love karissa she is beautiful but y is charlotte over and not me!!!