a thousand clever lines unread on clever napkins

damn im on this site too much. at first i thought these things were dumb but theyre so addicting. now i have 2 diaries and update them both almost everyday. maybe its just cause im on sb and have too much spare time. im gonna try to use this less and less. well see if it that happens. im still looking for my ideal boyfriend so lemme know if you know anyone who fits atleast 3 things on my list from last entry.ha.kidding.well sort of.im lonely.
Read 6 comments
everyone slooking for the perfect boyfriend. you htink you find them, but they turn out to be just like evryohter guy. good luck
- acalmgoodbye,
yeah these r as addictive as hell!
perfect bf doesnt exist as far as im concerned! sorry im on a man hating thing again!
ps-im lonely 2
wheee taking back sunday. right?

the perfect man would be a eunich. sob sob.
Why do you have two diaries?
I figured you have two diaries, since, well, you mention it in the entry.