fun things to fuck if youre a winner

fuck- -religion -stupid boys -impatient drivers -people who honk -bitchy girls(well i guess im kinda bitchy so maybe nm) -normal sized girls who count calories -homophobes -racists -bigots -rush limbaugh -dubya -people who like relient k -labels:P -limp bizkit,kid rock,ect.. -people who drink and drive -judgemental people -general assholes -sluts(haha fuck sluts) -girls with big boobs -my parents -christians -the deans at my school -facists -you(haha just kidding)
Read 28 comments
yes i realize i am a hypocrite. so is everyone else.but im a not a hypocrite because i say fuck christianas and fuck racists. RACISM is hating/discriminating against someone because of their race. christianity is not a race and i never said i hate them or that i discriminated against them. anyways my lists are kind of jokes so dont take things too seriously people and have the balls to sign your comments
a good book for the rush limbah haters..."rush limbach is a big fat idot and other observations" by al frankin. its good. i am only 13 but its the most fun with politics i have ever had.
haha don't be jealous about girls with big boobs.. big boobs suck! they always get in the way, and they're always getting hurt. but however.. boobs are boobs. and boobs are fat :-) and boobs are waht i'm talking about, and i'm writing about boobs, and not making since... boobs is a funny word. boobs boobs boobs.
i was getting a good a nice happy feeling reading this until i got to "people who honk." everything after was good. but. PEOPLE WHO HONK?! you clearly have not tried honking your horn. it is a very freeing thing. really. honk at the bastards. TRUST.
i just stole it from someone else lol. (it says pass it on, so i assumed it was ok).

i actually didn't like pieces of april that much, it wasn't that funny and the filming sucked.
i agree with the list.. besides the part with girls with big boobs, because some people are just big.. soo girls with big FAKE boobs
you read what damnit?
i dont like commenting on something that was posted april 19, it makes me think you dont read this shit. so update your thing bitch!
lol.... it's better to get started early ...thanks i like your diary too's snifty !
Thanks for the comment, you've got a pretty spiffy diary *thumbs up* xD

hey :) thanks for replying back, i wasn't offended at all, i'm so not the type of person that gets mad easily! i just wanted to make sure you didn't think that about all of us! ciao *hb
i agree with tons on your list.. except the whole Christian thing.. not all people are judgemental and pushy.. i'm a Christian, let's talk.. maybe you'll change your mind :) peace *holly brooke
that's alot to fuck !
ok im considering me as part of the big boobed group! fuck you then!
you said to fuck rasists but you really are one urself saying to fuck christians... tisk, tisk may everyone look down on you and see that you are a hypocrite.
: D make sure to attempt and steal something from a drunk man. (traditional for me)
ps- have fun at the vans tour. I am so jealous : p.
hahaha fuck dubya.. basically the entire republican government is on my hitlist.

thanks for your comment, it did make me feel better. I can't wait for all the rumors and attention she's getting to just fade away, so all she'll be left with is a stupid story to tell to anyone who will listen.
I'll go with all of that except for Christians.
Yours truly is a Christian.
your diary is cool too :)
i'm not
but that's okay
everyone is different
sometimes i really wish i could be a bitch
Thanks, I like the list. Good stuff. But, shitty stuff. Uhhh, yeah. I have succeded in confusing myself! Huzzah!
Hey i really like ur diary =) xx xx
i left you a comment on camstar and also, read my diary yo.
what beef do you have with relient k? I like them, and I haven't given you a reason to hate me. Guess you're the judgemental one now, eh?
i hate you