xOxOxO Come on and do somethin!

yeeeah.. so right now, I'm REALLY fuckin scared because some stupid immature bitches that act like little 6th grade lesbians think they are going to kick my ass. man they are SO big.. they could kick my ass with their hands tied behind their backs. shiiiit. all because i say one damn word that was NEVER said to them.. or ABOUT them. yet they want to act like 5th graders. how about we grow up a little bit. ya werent fighting with anybody so ya gotta find a new victim huh!! well ya little bitches im not fuckin scared. i just want to say... that maybe your 4 foot scronny asses shouldnt threaten people unless your maybe... a little bigger. cause your not intimidating! and if you want to threaten me.. why dontcha say it to my face? ill be waiting.Image hosted by Photobucket.com anyway... i guess thats all i wanted to say. if you want me to say all this to your face... then gimme a fucking time and ill do it, you stupid lesbian whores. Thank you, and have a nice day!Image hosted by Photobucket.com Krysten Edit: isnt this sooo cute!! Adopt your own Baby Penguin! Click Here.
Read 7 comments
i so love you. damn. you are my hero. haha i dont know what id do without you babe.

Don't sweat those lil bitches hun. You're better than them. Don't forget that. You're an awesome person and they're missing out on being someone important in your life. It's thier loss. Huge hugs Mom
From Tara:
Hey my F.A.T! Reeka and Anna are fuckin retarded...you can take them...hahahaha I LOVE YOU and will be at your back 100%....anyday anytime! muhahahah

I love you Krysten. Don't let them bother you. They always talk shit but they never do anything to your face. Thats why Anna wanted you to text her and actually told one of her friends to do it. She has no balls and wont say anything unless shes a couple miles away and doesnt actually have to speak the words. Please don't worry about them

I love you
thxs! if you want one just click on it & it brings you to the site! ohh i have one question.. sry lol how do u get smileys in your entry? i been wodering how forever!

thxs =]
KRYSTEN I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE YOU!! I have your back totally....yeah we are going to kick their lesbian asses!! Tehe...F.A.T's stick together like no other! yepp..I love you!

OMGOSH IT WAS A LONG ONE!! Sorta...I'll write more for you I guess! Only cuz I love ya! hehe

lol, ill get some up as soon as i find my camera...its buried in my room somewhere...i fear for its life, lol