xOxOxO yeeeah...

Feeling: blah
Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.com alright... well life has been quite interesting lately. I don't want to go into much detail.. just because it's all pretty gay. Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.com So the last couple of days I have been being extremely honest with Tanner. I have told him my every thought//feeling//emotion.. whatever you want to say, it's all the same. I have held nothing back from him and told him the truth about everything. Is that a crime? I don't really think I have done the wrong thing.. I've done all I could and that's just the end of it. So I got dumped and who knows whether its for the best or not. I just know I did the right thing. Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.com So Friday night went to the game. It was pretty fun, we won. =) WOO!! Then me and tara ran out on the field to tell our guys good job and the grass was went and we about fell on our asses. Oh well though. It was good. Got home at like 10:30 or something and Kendra called me and told me to go up to the school to talk to her and Justin and Skyller. So I'm like oookay whatever. Did that.. Then she wanted me to stay the night. We ended up going to Justin's house till like 1:15 or so. The drive home was exhausting.. too damn late for me to be driving. Anyways.. we stayed up till like 3 talking. She had to work at 6am so she left and I slept in. Came home around 10:30. Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.com Saturday I spent a long ass time cleaning my car. It took forever but at least its clean for once. The fam. left so I stayed home and just messed around. Went to work at 4. We were so effing busy. Then Kendra came to Sonic and said she wanted to hang out again so meet them at Justin's house when I got off. I didn't get off till about 11:30. Came home around 3:15am or something. ehhhh im so effing bored... okay anyways I guess thats it. Krysten P.S. CHRIS IS GOING TO START USING SITD AGAIN!! =)
Read 6 comments

damn i am sorry about tanner and you, if you ever wanna talk or nething i live like 7 steps away.lol. well see you 2morrow.
yea hey whats up? I think I have mono that I got form a girl haha. Other than im good. And how are you.
OMG, did you really?..why didnt you come up and talk to us! :-(..thats not cool!!...

but i still love you, and next time you see me, or me and Bobby come up and talk to us!..

LOVES YOU!! xoxo!
update you whore! teheheh