My heart's in overdrive and you're behind the steering wheel

Listening to: Permission To Land
Feeling: accomplished
This is sad. I'm going to say that right now, before I go on, before I spill out a little piece of my soul onto this white space in front of me. It's sad. I'm sad. But that's besides the point. The point is this: Today, I was standing at a table eyeing a box of fundraiser candy. I hadn't eaten in a little over 24 hours, hadn't had anything put inside of me that contained calories of any sort. Nothing. And I figured I could throw it away for oh, say, 100 calories? Maybe 50? Just so I don't faint before reaching my 48 hour point tomorrow. And I was picking them up and reading the back and throwing them down and reading others, running my hair through my hands. I couldn't believe it. 270 calories for three Reese's Cups? That's ridiculous! I had a plan to only eat under 300 a day! [Except for now, of course, when I'm doing a fast.] And then one of the people there saw me doing all of it and asked me, "What, are they all expired or something?" He then asked if I was reading the expiration dates. I responded that I was looking at the calories, and you just laughed and told me you don't have respect for me as a person, then went back to your work. But Al [the guy who was talking to me] kept speaking, and eventually, he said: "Well, you've lost weight." I blinked and furrowed my brow and shot him a confused look, and he gestured his hand up and down and said, "You look thinner. You lost weight. That's good, right?" I swear. This is why I do this. You have no idea how nice it feels to hear someone tell me that. I bought the Reese's AND a skittles package (270 calories each), but only ate one peanut butter cup before realizing that they really aren't worth throwing away a long time of doing this. If I want to be 100 by April, I have to hurry up that offense. Oh, and edit: Tim told me today that he knows of a lot of guys who want to date me. We got on the topic because I let him have shotgun in your car and you said I must really love Tim, and Tim said he felt loved because a lot of people love me that I don't love. He named Ryan, of course, which I already knew and which just made things more awkward for the three of us, and then said there were others but didn't elaborate. Something was making me think/hope/imagine/fantasize that you're on that list. But I know better. So for today? 90 calories - 1 Reese's Cup. For tomorrow, well. We'll just see where that goes.
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i wonder if you are a beautiful person destructing your body,

or you truly believe that you are worthy of destruction because u feel you are an ugly person inside.

its horrible not being able to comprehend ones feelings isn't it?