Oppinion time

Heres pretty much my logic on boys and Valentines day and love. Valentines day is the gayest holiday ever thought of. Who needs one special day out of the year to tell someone they love them. Love is something you show and remind people of everday. Valentines day is pretty much an excuse for boys to buy the way to a girls heart. It isn't really about love. Speaking of boys. I'm sick of boys that are still immature. By highschool i'm sorry but boys should know that they arent 3 years old anymore. Guys that are different around there friends are seriously the gayest people alive. Why would you be a dick around your friends, It isn't immpresive. I know if my friends were bitches to guys I definatly wouldn't be immpressed. So do they honestly think they are gonna get any pussy acting like that. Seeing as thats all 99.999% of guys want. And lying, Another point in time of a guys life I hate. Girls talk more then you all know. So why lie? We find out no matter what. Girls tell eachother everything. When are guys gonna grow up. Cause I personally know i'm fucking sick and tired of them. And i'm sure every girl is as well. So just take a hint. Being a jerk isnt impressive. And neither is lying. So please tell me your gonna grow up. Don't waste your time. Theres a difference between liking someone and thinking they are attractive and guys need to learn the difference. I'm sick of being dated for my looks [which if you think im attractive maybe glasses would be needed] and not my personallity. Life isn't all about good looks, Because i'm sure since all you dumb ass boys know, looks shouldn't be everything. But the media portrays the girls with the anorexic looking bodies and the pretty barbie doll faces and plastic boobs. Because personallity lasts longer then looks. When your 80 years old and married are you gonna be looking at how beautiful your wife is or how nice she is to you, because sorry 80 year old women aren't attractive. So grow the fuck up and start realizing love isn't about looks. its about your true feelings about someone and there personality
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