bestfriendsforlife minus the for life part

Okay so new entry already. Its only been like 10 minutes But okay I have this friend. and we used to be best friends. up until some bitch came along. And stole her from me. Well that bitch used to be my best friend. Until she got jealous of my bestfriend that i have now. so pretty much. She gets pissed at me for having a friend besides her. and then she goes and steals her from me. radlfkasjdf so we are talking again today. We talk once a week compaired to all day every day. and we haven't hung out in like 3 weeks, which is to long. we hang out every week usually.and now she is to busy for me i need a new best friend any takers?
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But she doesn't steal my friends from me.
She just hates me and belittles me. Sorryfriendssuckbigtime.