.o19. anger

Feeling: placid
so you tell me one thing and then go behind my back and say something else? i mean come on if your gunna do something like that at least do it right, dont post it up on the internet honey cuz i have a computer :) i wish i cud have saved the conversation we had so you could read it. i think ur even starting to believe your own lies. cmon now. have some sense of pride. sorry i needed 2 get that off my chest. :) besides that... it's been a nice week. we're choosing the play in 1st period, i have to do that long ass project in 2nd prd (fun, i know.) uhh read the three musketeers in 3rd prd (woopee..) we ddi a lab in 4th prd and nothing really in 5th prd. and we went over the songs for "honk" in 6th prd. and this friday everyones going 2 go see coach carter. yes everyone. its like a party in the movie theater lol. xo0x Mariana
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haha. people are so stupid sometimes.

At least saying something to your face proves they aren't afraid of you and have balls. XD