.o47. busybusybusy pt 2

Listening to: my name is- eminem
Feeling: active
continuing from where i left off- tuesday i went over 2 valeria's house 2 um watch her get ready i guess lol and then we went 2 xtian's house and andrea was there! and then scot came and xtian gave us a tour of his like.. MANSION, DUDE! its humongous i was like *gasp* its so pretty and yea! and then brandon came and we all went 2 the movies and saw the ring 2... yes.. again. cuz xtian, valeria, karla, and scot didnt c it so we accompanied them lol. oh yea karla came later 2 :) and jacob (andreas bf) it was cool we wer all paired up, c andrea and jacob wer 2gther, me and brandon wer 2gether, scot and valeria wer 2gther (or it looked like it gosh) and karla and xtian wer 2gther it was so cute! it was like a.. quadruple date. then we hung out after the movies and i took karla home and that was the last time i get 2 c her till.. april mayeb lol. and 2day everyones goin over 2 stephy's house at 4 2 watch movies. i wonder how i dont get sick of tehse ppl lol im always with them! EDIT---------------- so i must not be that busy bcuz rite now im super bored :-/ so im on AIM but my buddylist gives me stupid annoying pop ups so i settled for MSN but not that many ppl hav that except like... emilio x( so im waiting till its 4, 4 2 reasons! 1st cuz at 4 is stephy's house and ill finally be unbored but also before that THE MAIL COMES! and wat comes with the mail? MY NEW PINK MINI IPOD! chyes chyes chyes! so im liek staring out my window even tho its only 2:10 right now and theres an hr and 50 min. till my baby arrives. mail ppl are fucking slow. i went on the tracking thingie 2 check where it is and its rele close i was so excited! i called my brother over adn we both squealed with excitement while looking at the screen :).. what? yes he's 26, so? lol i love him hes like a kid at heart. now hes trying 2 make me order the chinese food and im like fuck no im bad with phones. well if its sum1 i kno and all its cool, like my friends and stuff ill talk a lot but when its delivery ppl i get shy idk especially wen theyre chinese and i cant understand half the things they say. roar. but he says he's shyer. wat a liar. whoa i rhymed. but anyway hes callin right now and he sounds perfectly fine that little a-hole. im almost at 50 entries! o lord! im gunna make my 50th entry speshul! wow imagine wen i get 2 100 holy shizzle thast a lot. jamie prints out her entries cuz she says its her diary and then later wen she grows up she'll be able 2 read it. (yes jamie u told me this a while ago but i still remember) i wonder if wen im like 20 or sumthing sitD will still be alive, or at least will my diary still b accesible? cuz i dont want 2 print 47 diary entries. its now 2:17 i killed like 7 minutes, joy. im downloading songs like crazy 4 my ipod i only have 347 so far. and it fits wat? like 2000? or more? i dont even kno but it fits a lot. *gets excited* and its pink! did i tell u that? well im telling u again! its pink! i wanted it green cuz the green is so purty but they didnt hav any, they had blue or pink and everyone has blue (not that its ugly i just rather pink) *hyperventilates* it needs 2 get here fast gosh! i shud hav slept more 2 kill mroe time but no i woke up at fucking 11. grr! well im gunna go take a nap or sumthing till teh chinese food gets here xo0x Mariana
Read 6 comments
u can never get sick of us!!! com'on were awesome!!! lol cya soon
well u guys have been busy ..:( neway ur comment made me happy :) lol but yea i was gonna comment ealier wen i was happier but my happiness was killed lol just read vayeyums diary and thats the excitment i ment 2 use and then read my diary and then ull notice how down i was heh.. luv u!

This is the story ur welcome to reead and make us chagen it a lil love yall pls tell other ppl ! lova always jamie
"but when its delivery ppl i get shy idk especially wen theyre chinese"

Anyway, what's wrong with my spidey boxers?!
lmao, my friend has boxers like that, and his pants are uber-low too. =P

And no, I don't have an accent. =P
I just can't speak very clearly.
hey mariana can u plzplz add me to ur friends on marianaslife so i can read ur story!!..thanx lov ya