.o23. i *heart* napolean

How Good are you at Certain Things?
Favorite Color
Sex - 70%
Romance - 70%
Self - Control - 95%
Kissing - 74%
Cuddling - 57%
Kinkiness - 90%
This QuickKwiz by KillianO - Taken 444699 Times.
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HECK YES BUDDY! lol :P sooo 2day after very fast preparation and running and studying and eating and cleaning all before 3 o clock... it was 3 o clock. and i went 2 andreas casa and we watched napolean dynamite becuz i had to share the glory of that movie with everyone and of course i had to show off my boyfriend, napolean. and jamie's boyfriend, kip. napolean's so much hotter she's just in denial. anyway we all have rly short attention spans and it was the 3rd time i had seen that movie so we turned it off about half way thru, and we went outside and it was rlyrlyrly cold! (yes i know its florida, but hey we're used to wearing shorts and t shirts year round) so we took pictures which i will post up whenever steph uploads them 2 her computer and sends me them and we ran and when back inside. and we talked and christian left :tear: and we um talked sum more and ate pizza.. and listened to our ridiculous voice mails "did u just call me a donut?" "yes valeria ur such a donut WE'RE OVER!" "steph press a button" "MMmm!" (its the no sound u make with ur mouth closed lol) "press a button!" "MMMmm!" "scot press a button!" "mmmm.." this now forms a chaos filled of "MMmm's" MARIANA PRESS A BUTTON!" ::presses button- voicemail ends:: ok so maybe u had to be there? then we danced sort of and thhhhen we re-opened andrea's second ear piercing! woo. and thhhhhhen we started to pierce valeria's bellybutton "Should i do it fast?" "no please go slow" "i promise it wont hurt" "IT HURTS IT HURTS!" "stop grabbing it!" sounds wrong right? haha. well she started screaming when i left and italked 2 them online and supposedly she didnt go thru with it. tsktsk. check back 4 the picturrrres! xo0x Mariana
Read 14 comments
today at 9.
looks like its gonna be good 2nite

i cant wait.
30 more minute*s till i get to watch it.

lol yea i no. that would make a good movie. and i bet those postal ppl did steal my money. they should go get their own. :P
i <3 napolean too!!
lloyd agrees. pink and black is also a cool colour combination.
i'm feeling a little better now. i'll probably go back to school tomorrow... :(
: P
Hows my best buddy doing. I just IMed you. Yeppp...

hey how do you get your links like that??
i love ur icons
lol they better freakin love me!
well he already kinda likes one of them but he'll date them all... my icon is a pimp
IM not going to lie hes a little in love with the eye! ;)
ohh haha, ohh well:p
sadly, i'm at school right now. unfortunately, i'm feling a little worse than i did yesterday. my throat burns.
: P