still raining, still whining

Ah, look at that. 11 in the morning and here I am, jollily typing away. Don´t I have anything better to? No, I don´t. Isn´t that the greatest thing? It´s pissing it down again, what a lovely way to celebrate the official beginning of autumn. Thank you, weather, I really appreciate that. I caught my first cold already, no wonder after all that walking around in the rain, really, and I quite enjoy it. Apart from that on and off headache it is all very comfy and lets me slouch on the sofa all day, cuddled up in a blanket and watching telly and not feeling guilty for it. Grand. Pretty good day today. For no reason at all my life doesn´t look as bleak and hostile as it usually does. I seem to be complaining at lot lately, yes, even more than usual, and it is true: I´ve managed to make a complete mess of my life, and whichever way I look at it it won´t get any better. But, hey, it could be far far far worse. Maybe I´m just aiming too high. Is there anyone out there whose life is simply perfect? Probably not. I could make much more of my time if I started to see the good things about the situation I am in, wether I want to or not, every once in a while. Hell, I have such a lot of free time, I might just as well enjoy it. Look, it has happened again. I cut my finger and I can´t remember when or how and only just realized I was bleeding all over the place when I saw the weird red smears on my coffee cup. Mysterious.
Read 6 comments
It's the cereal, I tell you, the cereal.
Ahh yes, stale cereal loses its mystical powers.

I had one of those mystery cuts today. Above my eye, on my forehead. It just appeared while I was reading the newspaper at the table and started dripping into my eyeball.

Made reading the paper rather difficult.
Send me some cold will you? Than I can keep it in a jar and just have a cold all my life so I can stay in bed instead of singing... germs breed too so I'd have a life long supply...
You try and in the meantime I'll just stick to my official days off for now.

What is it that you do that involves having to anylize poetry every day? (and, yes, I know I spelt anylize wrong...)
atleast it.s eleven in the a.m. wherever you are rather than two ten a.m.

i caught a cold tonight. that or pnumonia.
ran in the sprinklers topless at midnight.