A little off topic

Well, normally I'd put something weird here that doesn't really belong in a journal, but tonight I think I'm gonna vent. Almost everyday I go on this site to read all of my friend's diaries (pat, ryan, ash, rach, nate, carla, kyle, etc., etc.), and all they talk about anymore is how pissed they are at each other, or what OTHER people did wrong... or they are only boring (nudgeing towards pat)... so it made me think, i think it's time for old Phineus tostart typing about things HE hates and is mad at, becausei'm sick of just reading them, I wanna see what the hubub is all about, why is it such a fad to type about who or what you hate and why, and what they did wrong to you and how you're perfect in everyway and can't ever possibly be wrong once in a while... or just something boring (nudges toward pat)... so, here it is, my list of things that piss me off: bees killer bees flys gnats fleas (i've got lots) broken cd's anime first names that start with Q (ie:Q-Bert) children's shows anime things getting caught in my eye pourposes (It's so freaking hard to spell, I'm sure I spelled it wrong) peeple hoo speel things rong burnt popcorn christian children's fund (it's a good thing what they are doing, but what about the kids in OUR country who are starving to death too?) abortion anime broken pens car windows that won't go up or down people who talk about other people behind their backs and pretend they are friends to their face (I would NEVER do that) hypocrits fighting dojos anime people who have sexy in their online usernames (because more often then not, they're hideous) people who rant (I mean it's just rediculous. They have no freaking right to just rant and rant and rant. I mean, who gives them the right? Half the time, they don't even know what they're freaking talking about, am I right??? What basterds they are, just going off on someone or something for what usually seems to be no reason at all. It's rediculous! And normally in a rant, they just repeat themselves over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.) boring people hot potatoes barking dogs most dogs people who think they aren't better then everyone and finally, anime... well, i don't really see what the big deal is, can someone explain it to me? OH! and one more thing I really hate, people who take my online journal seriously
Read 6 comments
lol very good!!!!! umm i cant spell well so do i piss you off???

you know who!
i cant help it, i live to bore others, hehe. its a gift.

i was just looking at random diarys
and i really like the show house
and there a pic of that guy on ur page
so i thought i would say hello =)

Hey! Cool diary, I love your list, I agree with many lol. Thanks for the comment, I've just decided I don't give a shit about what she thinks as you would know if you read my latest lol. Anywas, just wanted to say hey! Later.
of course you wont die...i have too many people dieing already! lol, but i can't have you die, you are the person who sticks by carla's side and keeps her safe.