.65. Anthem of our dying day

i got mosquitoe bites. or however you spell it. they're really itchy!! Yep..Lets see. Sunday I don't remember what I did. Suprising huh?? I'll remember sometime.. Monday I saw Mark!!!! We went to the movies and saw the Village. It wasn't scary. Then I went back to his house then to his sisters game that was cancelle for like 10 minutes and then to ice cream and then to his house and then back to mine and then to bed. tuesday i had field hockey in the morning. very hot. then i had karate at night. i went to work in between that. I'm bored right now. I haven't done much today. I went to the mall..thats about it. I'm going to do in the pool soon. I don't like these ads too much. O well they'll be gone soon and the site won't close.. I'm going to change my layout and stuff really soon. yep I'm going swimming now... all done
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hey i really wanT to see the village i know its not very scary but was it good? i know i hate those lame ads
thanks for the input!