.97. Pain

Time to write again. this should be boring.. Wednesday: hmm...my daddy went to New Hampshire and my brother went with him to pick up a motorcycle. So it was just me and my mom. We went to the gym in the morning..we went to a few stores and stuff. ummmm i forget what stores. and we went to perkins for dinner. thats about it.. Thursday..I was supposed to go to Erins suprise party but I didn't have transportation and couldnt. Sorry Erin! So that day..i think was the day i sat in my house the whole day in my pajamas. thats it.. Friday was New Years Eve. My last day of 2004. Well, in the morning nothing happened. My yia yia, da, uncle john, aunt tracey, and cousins britt kelly and tommy came over. Chris was skiing so he couldnt come...but kelly brought her friend sam. Me and kelly and Sam played pool and air hockey..and ate. and other stuff too. At midnight we banged pots and pans like morons and set off fire crackers and stuff. that was fun. My daddy almost blew up santa too. Thats about it.. Sat. was 2005. And i went to marks house. We looked at pictures and stuff mostly. He got me sick. :o( Oh well. I'll get better. Sunday we celebrated my yia yias birthday even though it was today..but i saw my whole family again. Chris this time too! We ate cake and all that jazz.. Monday is today and that was back to school. School should die. It's soo completely pointless. With the exception of like two things.. joe gave me a christmas present today...it was mints! the ones i realllllllly like. 12 packs. 360 mints. Haha thats great.. well..i got a whole shitload of homework. Two essays...and other stuff. all done.
Read 5 comments
i take it you like green day? haha. yeah...school really does need to DIE! i'll help you kill school. we'll make a great team and not get caught -_-
that's okay....
i still <3 you.
school sucks :oP Whats a yia yia ? lol :o) x__Sarah
I see you've already found the blend code.

Nice colours.