.115. Sadie Hawkins

oh yeah...deffinatly time for an update. Heres somethings that have happened... lets see..i had my piano recial. I did good but the piano i had to play on and the place it was in was a piece of shit. oh well. lacrosse...thats every day still. hmmm....schools boring. i HATE orchestra with a passion. but other than that its good. ummm....theres no school this week. I have lax practice or game every day and i have to go to sams house to watch her rabbit plant and dog. so i still like two people.....its all good....if u ignore the lonley part. yeah so people i need to get out and do stuff. I'm drifting away from all mi amigos. not cool. i just walked outside to go to sams house and nick and drew were there for some reason. drew like..almost hugged me. it was the randomest thing all month. i went to the gym with my cousin today. and on the trampoline. uhhhhhhhhhhhh yeaaaah. so....whats new with you? its spring time. Summers almost here..schools almost out..can't wait. hmm......i can't remember what has happened these past 10 days. this summer i get to go to the bahamas!!! I can not wait. let me see.....Toms River lacks hottness of guys. I should move. yay people are home i'm going. all done
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