.83. Story of a Girl

well its time to update you all on my BoRiNg life. i'll start with the rest of my long weekend. sat. i saw mmmmmmmy mark! umm lets see...oh i remember now..had to think for a while. we saw ray!!! i'm very happy i saw that movie. I liked it. It was good. Then i went to marks house after that...I think thats it....yeah thats it... I left there at like...6 so he could go to his grandparents and i talked to him on the phone a little later. thats about it. I saw him sunday too. I went to his grandmas house...even tho i got lost because the directions were still at my house.. neway i ate dinner there and was there most of the day. They dropped me off a little after 8 I think. Thats about it. Monday was the start of dreadful school again. leeeeeeetssss see...nothing really happened. Quite uneventful. Oh wait! monday...that was the day that wasn't too good. I woke up late...missed the bus...ummm...mark got mad at me but thats all better now...ummmmmmm oh crap there were 2 more things that happened that sucked but i forget. neway tuesday was better. I did okay at piano..i hafta start practicing what I'm supposed to more though...not just my choices in songs... Today is Wednesday. November 10th. 4 months. :o) I went to school. That was uneventful as usual. i didnt take the bus again. After school i did my homework...well most of it. Then i went over marks. He helped me with the homework i didn't understand. I stayed there for a while and then i went to his sisters basketball practice with him and then i came home. I did some studying for World Civ. and my mom straightened my hair for me. Thats about it.. I have school pictures tomorrow. Mine will most likely come out bad. I get to skip gym cause of them though! thats deffinately a good thing. well, I guess it's time to sum up this entry. I'ma be taking this off my profile for a little while too for the few of you who might have an interest in my life...i'm sure that applies to few, if any people though. Sooooo yeah... all done
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i was just randomlylooking at entries and stumbled across yours and i found you quite interesting i just thought you might want to know. you arent the only one that has a lonley uneventfull life in this world. i take intrest in you and many others.