The Beggining of the End

Note to Self:

You are not going to like this, but here goes.

Everyone around you is pairing up & you are embarking on a journey of lonliness. It does have a nice ring to it. - sarcasm... of course. I have so many great friends & for that I'm blessed. & although these friends of mine are so great.. they are so limited, but at least I can say that they are real.


Now it seems that all of them are getting boyfriends & girlfriends which leaves you alone. You don't have a special anyone which is pathetic by it's self, but now you don't even have any one to share the lonliness with.

It's like you can be really lonely & still be capable of sharing that with someone else.. or You can be lonely & share it truely by yourself.

I fucking hate you. askdjahsh///

You disgust me.

Read 2 comments
i know how you feel and i am sorry that you are feeling that way. it hurts so much. sometimes i hate myself to no extent, but then i think about the things that i have.
you are very lucky that you can write your feeling out as nicely as you have in this entry//
i know it seems stupid to say, but don't rush anything, you will find someone and they will make you so happy it will feel like your heart is going to burst.
thank you very much for your comment.
you say such pretty things.
hope everything is going better.