
Listening to: none
Feeling: misplaced
Why can't anything go the way I want it to? I don't know, I just don't understand...
Read 4 comments
they cant go your way, cause that would make life way to easy on us Lauren. and life cant possibly be easy. You know how that goes!..I love you too, and I hope everything starts working out. If what I think will happen, happens, you're going to be one happy girl :)...haha. Love you, and you're the greatest!

You know how we do,
i wonder about all kinds of things! like why i miss you so much :)

love, mar
hey lady, thatd be qt!if u and carlos hooked up.well bye!
Lauren.. We've had some awesome times.."Look away sir." lol. We need to have another "Monopoly Night" again, cause that was a blast! Ewww you must have been pretty :)
