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Basics [x] Your gender:: female [x] Straight/Gay/Bi:: Straight [x] Single?: yep [x] If not, do you want to be?: [x] Eye color:: blue/gray [x] Happy with it?: yep [x] Hair color:: brunette [x] Happy with it?: absolutly [x] Obsessions?: lots of them... [x] Have a favorite quote?: once again, lots of them Deep Thoughts [x] Do you live in the moment?: most of the time [x] Do you have any secrets?: sure do [x] Do you hate yourself?: ... [x] Do you like your handwriting?: yeah i guess [x] Do you have any bad habits?:biting my nails [x] What is the compliment you get from most people?: "i like youre eyes/hair" [x] If a movie was made about your life what would it be called?:? i have no idea [x] Can you sing?:of course [x] Are you a daredevil?: sometimes [x] What is your greatest strength?: i guess that most people can talk to me about anything and know ill listen and try to help [x] If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: that little flab of fat on my stomach that everyone has but hates [x] Do you think you are emotionally strong?: umm... [x] Is there anything you regret doing in life: not that i can think of [x] Do you think life has been good so far?: sure has [x] What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: you cant trust everyone [x] What do you like the most about your body?: my hair [x] Do you think you are good looking?: when i feel like looking good [x] Are you confident?: yes Do You... [x] Smoke?: No [x] Do drugs?: Nope [x] Pray?: sometimes [x] Talk to strangers who IM you?: depends [x] Sleep with stuffed animals?: a wolly mamothe [x] Take walks in the rain?: yes, i love the rain [x] Talk to people even though you hate them?: that depends on how much i hate them, but most of the time [x] Drive?: sure do [x] Like to drive fast?: i love it Would or Have You Ever? [x] Liked your voice?: yes [x] Hurt yourself?: nope [x] Been out of the country?: nope [x] Eaten something that made other people sick?: of course [x] Been in love?: yeah... [x] Done drugs?: never [x] Gone skinny dipping?: nope [x] Had a medical emergency?: sure have [x] Had surgery?: like 6 or 7 [x] Ran away from home?: never [x] Played strip poker?: never [x] Gotten beaten up?: No [x] Thought about suicide?: who hasnt? [x] Pulled an all nighter?: again, who hasnt? [x] Talked on the phone all night?:yes [x] Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: yeah [x] Slept all day?: yes [x] Killed someone?: of course [x] Had sex with a stranger?: no [x] Thought you're going crazy?: all the time [x] Kissed the same sex?: yes, on the cheek [x] Been betrayed?: sadly, yes [x] Had a dream that came true?: not yet [x] Broken the law?: once or twice [x] Met a famous person?:a couple Beliefs [x] Believe in life on other planets?: yeah [x] Miracles?: yes [x] Astrology?: no [x] Magic?: no [x] God/Satan: yes [x] Ghosts?: spirits, not ghosts [x] Luck?: sometimes [x] Love at first sight?: ill get back to that one [x] Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: yes [x] Witches?: nope [x] Easter bunny?: used to [x] Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: with all my heart [x] Believe there’s a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: who doesnt? [x] Do you wish on stars?: occasionally Friends [x] Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: im not sure [x] Pick 8 friends…only use them in your answers: Nichole Megan Mallorie Emily Ketchup Marissa Chelsea Katie [x] Who is your best friend?: theres a few [x] Who's the one person that knows most about you?: brock, but hes not in that list so probably megan or nichole [x] What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: "go for it and if it doesnt work out the way you want it to, at least you know where you stand"-megan [x] Your favorite inside joke?: there are alot of them [x] Thing you're picked on most about?: blonde moments and how i just blurt out whatevers on my mind [x] Who's your longest know friend?:mallorie/marissa [x] Newest?: Nichole [x] Shyest?: ketchup [x] Funniest?: mallorie [x] Sweetest?: Chelsea [x] Closest?: marissa nichole ormegan [x] Weirdest?: ketchum [x] Smartest?: Ketchum [x] Ditziest?: mallorie [x] Last person you talked to online?: Emily [x] Who do you talk to most online?: megan or ketchum [x] Who are you on the phone with most?: megan or nichole [x] Who do you trust most?:ketchum, nichole, megan, marissa, chelsea [x] Who listens to your problems?: megan and nichole [x] Who do you fight most with?: none of them for the most part [x] Who's the nicest?: mallorie [x] Who's the best singer?: megan [x] Who's your second family?: ohh wow...i dont know probably megan's or nichole's or maybe even ketchum's well there you go...
Read 2 comments
aww i love you too and i think you're pretty too! haha. and thanks for putting me in your quiz, if i do one of those you'll definately be on it! hehe. well you're the ABSOLUTE BEST! and i would die without you. i love you lots atm chicken =D

love, mar <3
I love you lauren prather.
I think your fabulous.
We need to go shopping again and break some more refrigerators!