Worst Day....Ever!!

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: aggravated
Man! First day of summer vacation and it sucks!!! All my friends are busy...my parents are working...my sister annoying...Grr!!! I wanted to go see Van Helsing again, and I was going to...then Leah decides she just doesn't wanna go, for no reason at all...she probably is hanging out with Sam or her bf, again. I am going to go mad!!!! (except for the fact that I am already mad...literally) Whew. I am greatful for this diary, I can get a lot of my issues off of my chest. So the Queen of Rohan feels less aggrivated, but as soon as I leave my precious diary, I will feel 10x worse. Hopefully the rest of the summer doesn't suck this bad. Buh-bye.
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