
Listening to: Gospel
Feeling: awake
Guess what? I am throwing a pool party!!! Fun, fun, fun. Hmmmm. Well, I am babysitting my sister now like every day of the week. I make $50.00 a week too!!! It rox!! Except for the part where I have to spend "quality" time w/ my 5 yr. old sister!!! Grrrrr. But, everything else is just the same o same o. Yep. I have to go do my daily chores now...laundry and dishes. *sighs* I finished that book I told ya i don't no whickh book I am gonna read!!! lol. What a tragic day. lol. Alas, I am to go now...the Princess Krysta calls!!!! *rolls eyes* I am not her SLAVE!!! Well, I have to leave you now. Ta Ta. ~Shelle Belle~ ~QOR~ ~Mrs. Malfoy~
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My life is extremely boring right now.

Hence the extreme lack of updatage.